Donate to the Nature ConneXion Castalia Nature Sanctuary
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Dear Nature ConneXion friends, we have been offered donations to help us with our projects at the Castalia Nature Sanctuary.
Today, we ask you to support our efforts by donating, you can make a difference in the conservation of wetlands, fauna, and flora.
As of now, our efforts have been coming out of our pocket, we acquired the Castalia Marshland in 2023.
The marshland was generously donated, and we had to pay the lawyers’ fees for the transfer.
The first phase of the project is on its way with a cleanup of the marshland and the building of a blind for bird observations.
The blind is 95% finished and over budget at around $6,000 in materials.
If you wish to donate, E-transfer to
You can also contact us directly if you want to donate in person.
Please advise us if you want to remain anonymous.
Become a
Canada Warbler by donating up to 99$
Canada Jay by donating between 100$ to 999$
Canada Goose by donating over 1000$
Thank you for joining our efforts! It’s supporters like you who help us change the world every day.