Laridae (Small Gulls) Species observed

Photography by Mitch Doucet

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Bonaparte’s Gull

Common locally on lakes, rivers, and oceans, especially where strong currents stir the water.




Black-headed Gull

Can be found among flocks of Bonaparte’s Gull or other small gull




Little Gull

Uncommon, with a world population of under 10,000 birds and very local on open sandy beaches. 



Black Skimmer

Rare to the province.  Nests and roosts in large groups on low sandbars, usually alongside but not mixing with gulls and terns. 




Sabine’s Gull

Rare in the province. Nests on tundra ponds, Solitary or in small groups, not mixed with other gulls. 



Franklin’s Gull

Rare in the province. Nests in extensive marshes, foraging mainly in adjacent prairie and farmland, often following tractors.